Nephrology is the area of medicine that focuses on kidney disease. In most cases, a patient is referred to a Nephrologist for such conditions as kidney failure, hematuria, hypertension (high blood pressure), kidney stones or other types of diseases.
The kidneys are designed to act as a filter for a person’s blood, removing waste and toxins from the body. Because of the vital role that the kidneys play in one’s overall health, it is critically important that they remain healthy for a lifetime.
The Nephrology team at Humboldt Park Health has many decades of experience providing top quality kidney care, right here in our own community. Our staff specializes in providing individualized treatment plans to meet the unique medical needs of every patient.
We are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney and hypertensive conditions. The staff will work closely with you to help control and treat kidney related issues that can have a negative impact on your overall health. If you or a family member have a kidney related condition, we are here to help.